Common Blacktop Driveway Problems


Concentrated Area of Cracks

Blacktop will begin to break down as the ‘glue’ or binder becomes compromised over time and this problem is referred to as areas of allegation.  Our Super Seal Smooth Patch is the perfect solution for this problem as well as large cracks (1/2” – 1”), minor depressions or rough spots. Prior to using Smooth Patch it is important to thoroughly clean the area so you will have maximum adhesion.

Fix This Problem


It is important to fill cracks before they become bigger problems.  Our Premium Crack Filler is designed to fill cracks that are up to ½” in diameter.  Super Seal Premium Blacktop Crack Filler is easy to use. Remove all dirt, grass, old crack filler and debris from crack to be filled. Shake well before using.  Remember it’s important to not overfill the crack – if you leave it on top it might re-emulsify on a hot day and track!

Fix This Problem


Potholes are your driveway’s worst enemy. Besides the fact that they are dangerous, if left untreated they will only grow and become more of a danger. If treated properly a pothole will not come back.

We recommend properly preparing the repair by making clearly identified sidewalls a couple of inches high (use a chisel and hammer) and applying a high performance pothole patch.  Tamp until fully compacted and allow 2 to 3 weeks prior to sealing over.